Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Looking for God Spirit Within

What does it mean when we talk about the God-spirit within?
 I suspect it means something different to each one of us.

In pondering this idea, it occurred to me that because we are each  an expression of God, we each express  the God-spirit within in our own individual way, leading to an incredibly diverse world.

Another thought came to me  as I walked down this ponderous you think, it is done unto you.

That's a tricky one.
You think that you believe God is all good. 

But, if deep inside you have the hidden thought --only seen by you--that "I do not deserve all good." Spirit will not discriminate.

You will get what you expect,even if it is far less than you think you should get.

The you think, it is done unto you.... sounds so simple to follow, but for me it hasn't been.
It took a very, very long time of thinking this simple thought before I got it.

To achieve this simple yet perfect place...observe those around us.

Watch carefully and you will see all expectations being met, low and high.

Why does it feel like we have to work so hard to receive our good?

Because we hardly believe we are worth the good we want to receive.

Silly us.

Something to think about.

Kate Morgan for Unity of Charlotte

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Only carry on allowed

The world is a stage, and we are the actors as Shakespeare noted so famously.

We strut and fret but when the performance is over, we leave everything behind and go home. When you come into the world, you are given a birth certificate-as your entry visa. When you die, you are given a death certificate- as your exit visa.

We are all travelers.

Remember, we are here for a short period. Some of us will remain here a longer period than others. Nevertheless, our time is limited.

When it is time for us to leave, we simply step out of the body and commence our journey back home. All possessions and wealth, accumulated during our stay here on earth, remain here on earth. 

The only thing we take with us is our spiritual deeds.

 So make every moment count.

                                                                                                   Alan Batten for Unity of Charlotte

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

High Wattage Belief

".....Prayer works even if the recipient of your prayer lives in Tucson and you live in Omaha. God lives everywhere, full power, all the time. God lives in the hearts and minds of every individual whether he or she recognizes it or not.
Here’s a very short sketch of how prayer works in our lives. Spirit is the Creative Energy of the Universe. Spirit created us in It’s image and likeness. We are separate and unique, but we are spiritual creatures and we are connected to God through our consciousness. (Consciousness contains all our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings in this moment.)
Our consciousness is constantly sending messages to Spirit and Spirit responds. God (or Spirit) is Love working through Law in our lives. When we pray, we are speaking directly to God with the purpose of setting Spiritual Law into motion to create new circumstances.
The person praying envisions, believes and accepts the desired outcome. The person we are praying for must accept the goal of the prayer in order to have it work. That is a part of why we never pray for others unless it is requested. When we ask for prayers from others we are depending on, or borrowing their conviction and clarity. Of course, the best thing is for the person requesting prayer to also have conviction but that’s not always at an optimum level.
The reason prayers from unknown people worked for me was that when I requested the prayers, I was already envisioning, believing and accepting the healing at some level. The prayers of others were powerful because they were clear and focused. I needed your prayers because I was, more or less, stuck in the experience of “not well”.
 .......Remember that you do not have to understand how prayer works, you only have to pray and expect it to work...."

Excerpted from a newsletter by Dr. Jane Claypool 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cleaning my mental house

2014 is here.  It’s a new year. . . a time to begin anew, or at least a time to review and regroup.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s that life is constantly moving, changing, evolving.

 If I want my life to move in a positive direction, I need to be diligent about what I am thinking because what I’m thinking determines how I’m feeling, and how I’m feeling determines the quality of my experiences.

  So why not use January 1st as a starting point for some mental housekeeping.  Make some positive changes.   

Start eliminating the negative self-talk that gets in your way and keeps you from the kind of quality life you deserve.  Maybe all you’re looking to do is validate and build on positives that already exist in your life.  If that’s the case, do that.  You and your “God-light” are in charge.  You are in charge of your thoughts, your actions, your experiences. 

Living in the northern hemisphere as we do,  means this is the darkest time of the year, but just because the sun is with us for a limited time doesn’t mean we can’t radiate the Inner Light that dwells within.
 One way I do this is to actively work at keeping my thoughts positive.  “That’s not always easy,” you may say.  “The holidays are over.  The hubbub has died down.  Sometimes that can be deflating and, yes, even depressing,” but it doesn’t have to be.

  The key for me is to remember who I am, what my true source is, that I am never alone, and that I am always loved.  I’d like to suggest that we are all in this together, so be kind to yourself as well as those with whom you spend your day, and remember that we are all one. 
Rev. Nancy reminded us recently that sometimes those things we release when we do our mental housekeeping find a way to return to us.  “But if they do,” she said, “gently send them back” from whence they came reminding them, as well as ourselves, that we no longer need them in our lives. 

 It’s OK if this happens.  It’s even OK if it happens more than once.  The important thing is for us to be kind with ourselves if-and-or-when it happens. 
With all of these thoughts in mind I believe we will all do great things in 2014.  Welcome to the New Year!

Kate Morgan for Unity of Charlotte

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Recipe for a Happy Life in a New Year

Take twelve fine, full-grown months; see that these are thoroughly free from old memories of bitterness, rancor and hate, cleanse them completely from every clinging spite; pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness; in short, see that these months are freed from all the past—have them fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of Time.

 Cut these months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Do not attempt to make up the whole batch at one time (so many persons spoil the entire lot this way) but prepare one day at a time.

Into each day put equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work (some people omit this ingredient and so spoil the flavor of the rest), hope, fidelity, liberality, kindness, rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil out of the salad dressing— don’t do it), prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution. 

Put in about one teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fun, a pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humor.

Shake well and enjoy! 

Alan Batten for Unity of Charlotte