Sunday, June 22, 2014

The rapture of being alive is what it's all about

We're so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of other value
that we forget that the inner value, the rapture that is associated
with being alive is what it's all about."
Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyer "The Power of Myth"

Rev. Nancy spoke of finding the "secret place no one can take away from me, it's my place."

To sit silently. To just sit. To quiet the mind with just a word. Sit. Silent. Listening.

To take these simple steps to  find this secret place, a place Jesus "visited" often, please view  our video:

In The Silence

In the silence there is a sacred place

A secret meeting place

Love is there

In the silence where

every color blends,

And every rainbow

ends, God is there

In the Light now you

find you know peace of mind

In the silence our path is paved in gold,

and all your dreams unfold;

Love is there,

Peace is there, 

Truth is there,

God is there.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Help us love beyond our ideals

Rev. David Hulse introduced Unity of Charlotte to a direct translation of The Lord's Prayer from the
Aramaic to English.

 First we'll look at the King James Version:
1-Our father which art in heaven
2-Hallowed b they name
3-The  kingdom come
4-They will be done
5-On earth as it is in heaven
6-Give us this day our daily bread
7-And forgive us our debts
 8-As we forgive our debtors
9-And lead us not into temptation
10-But deliver us from evil

11-For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory
12-Forever and ever

Second, let's look at this translation from the Aramaic to English

Prayer of the Cosmos (Translation)

1-O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos
2-Focus your light within us-make it useful
3-Create your reign of unity now
4-through our fiery hearts and willing hands
5-Help us love beyond our ideals and  sprout acts of compassion for all creatures
6-Animate the earth within us: we then feel the Wisdom underneath supporting all
7-Untangle the knots within
8-so that we can mend our hearts simple ties to each other
9-Don't let surface things delude us
10-But free us from what holds us back from our true purpose
11-One of you, the astonishing fire
12-Returning light and sound to the cosmo.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Today is a brand new day

Today is a brand new day. 
A fresh start.
Replace any negativity with positivity. 
Think happy thoughts. 
Drink lots of water. 
Fill your body with fuel.
Healthy is happy.
Inspire yourself.
Create. Laugh. Play. Love. Learn.
Give someone a compliment.
 Make a new friend. 
Do a random act of kindness.
 It creates good karma. 
Take chances and finally start living life to its fullest. 
 But no matter what's thrown at you today, smile and remember, tomorrow's always a fresh new start."
-- Author Unknown