Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gratitude has the power to change

We all have so much to be grateful for and yet we focus on what we don’t have, what isn’t working, and take what we do have for granted. 
 The Spiritual Principle and Practice of gratitude can change us and our life in a very short time.
 Research and experience has shown us that grateful people are happy, content and fulfilled.

 Are you ready to try it?

 A Gratitude list is a good way to start.  Write down all the things in your life you are grateful for and while you are writing, feel the gratitude in your heart.  Let the feeling of Gratitude come alive in you.

 Then try a gratitude day.

 When you wake up tomorrow, before you even get out of bed, begin to think and feel gratitude for the new day.  Continue to be grateful for everything all day long until you go to sleep at night.

Do these practices consistently for a week or so and you will find the way you look at life changes.
 Continue this practice every day. Soon gratitude will become who you are:  a grateful person that takes nothing for granted, and everything with gratitude.
 Watch your life change in wondrous ways.

--Rev. Nancy Ennis for Unity of Charlotte


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