Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cleaning my mental house

2014 is here.  It’s a new year. . . a time to begin anew, or at least a time to review and regroup.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s that life is constantly moving, changing, evolving.

 If I want my life to move in a positive direction, I need to be diligent about what I am thinking because what I’m thinking determines how I’m feeling, and how I’m feeling determines the quality of my experiences.

  So why not use January 1st as a starting point for some mental housekeeping.  Make some positive changes.   

Start eliminating the negative self-talk that gets in your way and keeps you from the kind of quality life you deserve.  Maybe all you’re looking to do is validate and build on positives that already exist in your life.  If that’s the case, do that.  You and your “God-light” are in charge.  You are in charge of your thoughts, your actions, your experiences. 

Living in the northern hemisphere as we do,  means this is the darkest time of the year, but just because the sun is with us for a limited time doesn’t mean we can’t radiate the Inner Light that dwells within.
 One way I do this is to actively work at keeping my thoughts positive.  “That’s not always easy,” you may say.  “The holidays are over.  The hubbub has died down.  Sometimes that can be deflating and, yes, even depressing,” but it doesn’t have to be.

  The key for me is to remember who I am, what my true source is, that I am never alone, and that I am always loved.  I’d like to suggest that we are all in this together, so be kind to yourself as well as those with whom you spend your day, and remember that we are all one. 
Rev. Nancy reminded us recently that sometimes those things we release when we do our mental housekeeping find a way to return to us.  “But if they do,” she said, “gently send them back” from whence they came reminding them, as well as ourselves, that we no longer need them in our lives. 

 It’s OK if this happens.  It’s even OK if it happens more than once.  The important thing is for us to be kind with ourselves if-and-or-when it happens. 
With all of these thoughts in mind I believe we will all do great things in 2014.  Welcome to the New Year!

Kate Morgan for Unity of Charlotte

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