Nature, and yappy little dogs, abhor a vacuum.
Create a vacuum in the area you
desire so the Universe can rush in and fill it. If you desire a new wardrobe,
for example, simply clean out your closet. Make a bee-line to the closet and pick half
of what’s hanging there to give away.
That’s right: Give it away.
Take your
clothing, shoes, accessories and other items to either the Salvation Army or
Goodwill Industries. You will be providing other people with the opportunity to
use your gifts. You will be tithing to them so they can accomplish what it is
for them to accomplish.
Pay it forward.
Back to your now-spacious
closet. Put pictures of what kinds of clothing you would like to see hanging there, inside this space. Imagine your feelings when you can take your pick of nice new
(to you) clothing.
You are now ready to receive your new wardrobe.
You are now ready to receive your new wardrobe.
If you want a new
car, go clean out the garage so you will have space to park it. Determine the
resale price of your old car through any of a number of on-line services to get
an idea of its trade-in value.
Or, you can write up the classified ad to sell it
when your new car arrives. If the car is on its last legs, then plan to donate
it to your local NPR, PBS station or favorite charity so they can benefit. Finally, plan a celebratory
day trip to embark upon in your brand new car the first chance you get.
You are now ready to receive your new car.
You are now ready to receive your new car.
Continue this
process for whatever it is that you desire.
Make room for it and the Universe will provide.
Make room for it and the Universe will provide.
You have joined a partnership for manifesting
You are partners with Spirit/ God/ the Universe in collaboration to
materialize your desires.
God is the best partner you can ever have.
His guidance about financial affairs will
lead you straight to Abundance. Leave the concerns and worries to your Senior
Partner. Leave the hard decisions and difficult situations to His management.
His style is beneficial to all concerned. He authored the original win/win
There is a famous
Scriptural passage wherein God actually asks to be tested. It is the only place
in the Bible where He does this.
In Malachi 3:10 (KJV) it is written “Prove me now herewith, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
So, has your way
worked so far in your life?
Go ahead and give God’s way a try. And hang on!
Go ahead and give God’s way a try. And hang on!
You have nothing
to lose except fear, pain, ill health, depression and lack.
-- Alan Batten for Unity of Charlotte
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