Thursday, July 25, 2013

Can't We Just Get Along?

Several weeks ago, I was putting some yard waste into the old green plastic garbage container which goes to the curb every week so the city can hall its contents off to their organic recycling site. I noticed that I had disturbed a spider’s web.

The spider had scrambled up the remains of her web and was undoubtedly muttering a few discouraging words in my direction. I thought little about it and went about my business.

That afternoon, I replaced the can and lived my life.  Later that week, I passed the yard waste can and noticed that the spider was once again set up for business. I was about to permanently dispossess her, but upon closer examination, I spied the remains of several pesky mosquitoes in the web.  Well, I thought, there are three beasties who won’t be bugging me. So the spider got a pass.

A few days later, I spied the spider and was a little shocked to see a red hour glass design on her belly. OMG! A black widow! I’m standing next to a deadly black widow!

 That brought out thoughts of a bug killer but once again my hand was stayed by the thought that she was doing me a service, and she hadn’t threatened me.
 So, Mrs. Spider got another pass, although I suspected that her husband wasn’t so lucky in the pass department.

The upshot of all this was the recognition of the Oneness we share with Nature and with each other. This innate sharing of Creator energy makes us one with each other and one with the world around us.

 It’s what Jesus alluded to when he said “Whatsoever you do to the least of these, you do unto me.”
Whatever I did to the spider, I do to all creation. So I choose to let Creation be in its wholeness and glory. 

Pretty good lesson from a spider, I think.

--Alan Batten for Unity of Charlotte

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