Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Who do I think Jesus is?

"Who we think Jesus is will determine the kind of Christianity we live.....If Jesus is mostly a private figure for our individual lives, our faith will be primarily personal and not much engaged in the societies in which we live. If Jesus just provides us a pathway to heaven, we won't be much concerned with what happens on this earth. Or if we create a Jesus mostly in our own image, he won't be very useful to 'others' who are unlike us.

"But if Jesus came because 'God so loved the world' he will be a different Jesus for us. If his message is about changing the world and not just our own lives, then our lives will reflect that message. If Jesus came to create a new community and not just save people, then that community's collective life in the world will be of crucial importance."


Wooden judges

The law of all eternities is known to masterminds:
Whatever men do unto other men the judge and executioner will do to them’.

We do not note the execution of this law among the sons of men.
We note the weak dishonored, trampled on and slain by those men call the strong.
We note that men with wood-like heads are seated in the chairs of state; are kings and judges, senators and priests, while men with giant intellects are scavengers about the streets.
We note that women with a moiety of common sense, and not a whit of any other kind, are painted up and dressed as queens, becoming ladies of the courts of puppet kings, because they have the form of something beautiful; while God's own daughters are their slaves, or serve as common laborers in the field.

The sense of justice cries aloud: This is a travesty on right.
From The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, Ch. 114, 33-41