Sunday, July 20, 2014

The divine calls to the self

Something to share:

In my recent reading I came across this statement by Kathy Juline:

 “You are the only you that will ever exist.  You have a call to be yourself.  Any idea or belief you may have that negates your Divine nature is not now nor ever has been true.” 

 It was followed by the quote below.

“Be yourself; no base imitator of another, but your best self … Listen to the inward voice and bravely obey that.  Do the things at which you are great, not what you were never made for"  ---Ralph Waldo Emerson

. . . food for thought.

--Kate Morgan for Unity of Charlotte

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Understand, Embrace, Live

Have you ever felt like you’ve finally got it.  The “it” I’m referring to, of course, is understanding truth principles as taught in Unity.  I’ve been told that some just “get it” right away while others may take months or even years to completely understand, embrace, and live them.

For me, the path has been years long.  As a result I consider myself one of the “worker bees” of Truth.  As a result, there are layers of lessons that make up my spiritual understanding.  (Think of a very large ball of yarn.)  There are even days I feel fairly evolved spiritually.
However, being the very human person I am, in spite of understanding that my spirit is whole, perfect, and complete, there are days in which my humanness is made abundantly clear to me and I am blessed with yet one more lesson to learn. 

My point is this:  regardless of how long I or anyone has been on the spiritual path, we are never done. 

 Life as a human on this planet is an on-going lesson, one in which we are ever evolving and growing, and, from all I’ve been able to figure out, the lessons never end.  It’s what we do with the lessons-- whether we recognize them and accept them as blessings rather than curses--that make the difference. 
Do you go with the flow or fight the current of life? 
Sound easy or challenging? 

Just a thought.

-- Kaye Morgan for Unity of Charlotte

Following is a quote by Ram Das . . .
                “My entire life is my path, and this is true for every experience I have … All of our experience, high and low is the curriculum, and it is exquisite.  I invite you to join me in matriculating.”